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Council Meeting 23/10/2024


Following my meeting with the council, the following items were discussed….



 The council claim to have given the Scouts the paint needed to paint the hut.  However I informed them that it would take more than a coat of paint to fix the issues with the hut.

I advised after taking a good look around, that the following issues have been identified:

 1. Roof gutting and slates need repairing due to hole in roof

 2. Wooden corner post and weather boarding all needs replacing



2. Lido toilets

As you are all aware, there is a problem with local tradespeople using the toilet block on Wednesday, although this its likely happening throughout the week.

As a result, the council claim they are planning to either change the door code for the toilets or replace this with a lock and key. The is likely to happen in the new year.


Regards vans  parking adjacent to the lake on Promenade way, the council plan to introduce  BY-LAW prohibiting overnight camping which will hopefully put a stop to this inconvenience.


3. Unauthorised use of the lake.

Following the recent incident where by a member of the public was found to have used the lake without permission, resulting in his boat being stranded, the council have agreed to put up notices to remind public and camp site that the lake is only to be used by member of the MODEL BOAT CLUB


4. Repairs around the Lake

 The council have agreed to undertake repairs of the following areas:

Launch boards around the lake

Trim the overhanging trees on the island.


5. Cleaning of Silt from the lake.

The council  are in communication with the company responsible for the treatment of water in the lake as any cleaning has to be completed by a licensed company.

The plan is to remove the silt from the bottom of the lake and place into a bio-degradable bags which will be placed on the islands.


6. The potential spillage in the lake.

The council have confirmed that the unidentified spillage in the lake was in fact “just slit” from the sluice gate which was washed in when the lake was topped up. The council claim “this will eventually disappear back into the slit at the bottom of the lake.”










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